Sunday, October 25, 2015

Meal Prep!

This is it guys! 3 more days to go!!!! My important advice for you now is that you should start relaxing,  NO CRAMMING but you can do some light reading (but not memorizing), to give your brain some air and space to absorb all the things that you have been practicing and reviewing for the past few months. I know it is difficult to not to think about reviewing and the exam, but you must do it for your sake and to not overwhelm yourself or even stressed out yourselves to the point of being scared of the exam.

Also start double or triple checking your items to bring to the exam like what E mentioned in Last Minute "don't forget" Items. It is really important to do this, because it would help lessen the things you need to think about  for the exam and to occupy yourself during the remaining days.

Forwarding to the thing that I want to share for additional items to prepare for the exam, which is.....

"What will you eat during the exam?"

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Web Review: All About Furniture

Here we go again. :-) I kind of went crazy when I found the inforgraphics online... And I found more!! More more more!! So these infographics are plain simple and direct to the point. They're also good for sketching too!

Monday, October 19, 2015

LAST MINUTE "don't forget!" ITEMS

*We do not own this picture :)

For the board exam takers this year, 9 days left before the board exams!! I guess by now, all you should be doing is having last minute heavy studying and serious speed drafting too. The critical time is during the last 3-5 days before the exam where you should be resting, relaxing and do-not-panic mode

Friday, October 16, 2015

Web Review: Sitting on the couch or the sofa




You can never have too much information about seating furniture! There are so much details you would see and notice in a simple chair or couch or sofa. Here are three infographics we bumped into online about seats, couches and sofas. As usual, plain and simple inforgraphics. :-)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Web Review: Quick History Timeline

I know, I know, history... Again. I know it's long and kind of boring (not really HAHA) but good thing there are infogrphics that are detailed and straight to the point. I would highly recommend the last one, "A History of Interior Design". It gives simple but detailed descriptions of eras. YAY! Go check 'em out. :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Web review: Infographic on Interior design through the decades

So... We all love infographics! I mean, who doesn't? It's simple and easy to understand. This infographic that I found is direct to the point and gives the certain detail of each decade. This would be helpful for the furniture part of the board exam. 

*We do not own any of the photos :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

More than books

We're down to the last 21 days before the board exam and I'm pretty sure that most of your brain cells are tired of just reading reading reading... Drafting drafting drafting. 

Read draft draw colour read draft draw draw colour colour read some more color and lalalalalala.
This picture is here just because cookies + cold milk = SARAP PANG-BREAK TIME

Well, here's a list of alternatives you can do to avoid those headaches from too much reading.